Cares melt when you kneel in your garden.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

First Frost; October 25, 2009

We awoke to a light frost this morning. A bit late; in our location near Woodinville, Washington, we usually see frost before the end of September.

I wanted to verify that so I turned to the Sunset magazine website; their gardening maps provide a much greater level of detail than that available from the USDA but the information I found left me shaking my head and wondering if perhaps their weather data had been gathered in an alternate reality.

It's a bit hard to tell exactly which zone we'd fall into here because the map can't be enlarged quite enough, but I'm saying Zone 4-1/2. If memory serves me, the "growing season" (obviously some stuff grows all year - dandelions, for example) for my garden microclimate is mid-April through about the third week of September for summer crops such as beans or tomatoes.

My confusion underscores the need to keep accurate records. Not that I've ever followed that advice. I tend to be a rather haphazard gardener but I'm trying to change. So...if any of you have stumbled across a good method of journaling your garden info, I'd love to hear it.

Now my winter gardening begins in earnest.

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