Even so, things are underway in the garden now, even though the weather has given us no reason to hope that this summer will be any warmer or drier than last...but what are gardeners if not optimists?
One of the additions we made to the garden last year was to add two supports for hanging baskets on the north side of the garden. Each support holds two, 12 inch baskets and I'm pretty excited about my plant choices this year.
I selected New Guinea Impatiens "Celebrette" to provide height. For my trailers, I selected Lobelia "Sapphire, white Bacopa and Helichrysum Petiolatum "Aureum." If the last has a common name, I don't know what it is but the lime green foliage looks amazing with the dark green of the Impatiens.
I planted the baskets last weekend and kept them in the greenhouse until today, when I hung them out. I think they look pretty good now; I can hardly wait to see what they'll look like when they fill out.

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