Cares melt when you kneel in your garden.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tomato Surprise!

It might seem like I'm a little slow getting my garden in this year, but it's just recently that our temperatures have managed to climb out of the 40s on a consistent basis. Consequently, I'm just getting my tomatoes going, even in The Tomato House.

As you can see, I finally got some tomatoes potted up and settled in their new home...four down and four to go in the greenhouse. I had problems in last year's cool, wet summer with fungus and mildew problems in the greenhouse, so I'm spacing my pots farther apart this year. Hopefully, even with less-that-perfect weather, this will help avoid that nastiness.

I also have a flat of tomatoes about 4 inches tall that my husband acquired from a co-worker's son. He did a great job with the starts...they're sturdy and healthy looking but, unfortunately, he didn't do such a good job labeling thems. Meaning that I have about 20 mystery tomatoes! These will be going out in the garden beds but I'm not sure what kind of provisions to make for staking them. I know that "some" of the starts are Romas, which would be okay in standard tomato cages. Which, of course, would be entirely inadequate for a big, rambling indeterminate variety.

So however difficult it may be, I'm just going to have to plant them, hope for the best and see what happens. Stay tuned.

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